
Connect your brand with Unid@sSomosMás
An event that unites organizations and communities helping their members connect and share experiences.
What you find in Unid@sSomosMás?

The Unid@s Somos Más movement aims to unite members of various organizations and communities through events and experiences to generate growth opportunities, enhance skills, and discover business prospects via collaborative networking and connection activities. It also fosters ongoing support among organizations, enabling them to help one another.

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Sponsorship Levels



Best option for your business!
Limited to 1 sponsorship! Ideal if you are looking to connect directly with our event attendees with exclusive space and access to the event's attendee list.



Limited to 4 sponsorships! Ideal if you are looking for a space to display your products/services during the event and the opportunity to capture information from attendees.


Product / Service

Ideal for businesses that want to contribute to the decoration and experience of the event.
Sponsor must be approved before donating product or service


Our Sister Communities

Organizations with common objectives that join forces to add results

Digital Community

Las organizaciones miembros de Unidas Somos Más cuentan con más de 70.000 seguidores en Instagram y más de 50.000 en Facebook! Es la oportunidad perfecta para conectar con nuestra audiencia.

Professionals and Experts

The community includes experts in specific areas for organizations, such as leadership, community management, and team building.


Organizations rely on diverse communities of professionals from diverse cultures and countries to enrich and expand the reach of our events.

Want to be a Sponsor and connect your brand with our next event?

Let's schedule a call to address your questions about our sponsorship opportunities and the benefits of connecting your brand.

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Unidas Somos Mas, 2024. All rights reserved. Website designed by KIWI Agency